The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. (Proverbs 9:10)敬畏耶和華是智慧的開端;認識至聖者便是聰明。(箴言第九章十節)

Visual Arts 視藝科

Our Targets 總目標
  1. To develop students' visual cognition and nurture their acute response to fine arts.
  2. To improve students' awareness of basic fine arts concepts and skills.
  3. To guide students to respond appropriately to visual phenomena and gain pleasure and satisfaction from artistic creation activities.
  4. To guide students to recognize the contribution of art and culture to society, and cultivate a lifelong interest in art.
Features 特色
  1. Art activities not only develop students' artistic creation skills, but also cultivate students' sense of beauty, correct values and attitudes.
  2. From participating in artistic creation activities, students can obtain pleasure, enjoyment and satisfaction, so as to cultivate students' lifelong interest in art.
  3. In addition to the original curriculum, the art program also cooperates with Chinese, English, mathematics, regular subjects and civic education to stimulate students' motivation of learning.
  4. The art teachers also encourage students to actively participate in Hong Kong and international competitions and our students receive ideal results. In addition to classroom learning, our art teachers also arrange students to visit the Hong Kong Museum of Art and participate in the "Sham Shui Po Campus Art Marathon" every year, so that students can learn in different places and in different ways.
Focusing Items 關注項目
  1. In line with the goals of the school's three-year development plan, the art teachers cooperate with various subject teachers to implement various school-based activities.
  2. To reorganize e-Learning content for more effective teaching.
  3. To encourage students to actively participate in visual arts activities.