The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. (Proverbs 9:10)敬畏耶和華是智慧的開端;認識至聖者便是聰明。(箴言第九章十節)

Student Support學習支援

The school implemented a school-wide engagement strategy. All teachers do their best to help students, build good characters, establish a positive attitude towards life and positive values, and provide students with various learning support. 本校推行全校性參與的訓輔策略,所有老師各盡所能去幫助學生,建立良好的品格, 建立積極的人生態度和正面的價值觀,又為學生提供各類的學習支援。

Disciplinary and Guidance Section 訓育輔導組

  • Provide comprehensive and extensive counseling services for students. Counseling work covers developmental, preventive and remedial levels, helping students grow healthily, develop their potential, be willing to accept challenges, adapt to changes in the environment and establish good interpersonal relationships.
  • Parent seminars and parent-child activities are held to help parents understand the needs of their children's growth, enhance their ability to teach their children, and establish a good parent-child relationship.

School-based Educational Psychology Service Section 校本教育心理服務組

  • Assist schools in developing whole-school engagement policies to cater for learning differences.
  • Assist schools in formulating crisis management policies and mechanisms, and provide schools with crisis management services when necessary.
  • Assist teachers in early identification of at-risk students and early planning and appropriate intervention services.
  • Provide educational psychological assessment and counseling services for students.
  • Facilitate home-school co-operation in co-disciplining students and providing training activities for parents through collaboration with school personnel.

School-based Speech Therapy Unit 校本言語治療組

  • Provide professional speech therapy services for students with various communication disorders.
  • Promote whole-school engagement and enhance the skills of staff in teaching language-impaired students.
  • Promote home-school cooperation and enhance students' ability to speak and write through parent workshops.
  • To provide students with developmental school-based training activities, to meet the development needs of students, to carry out special training to improve the language ability of the body.
    為學生提供發展性之校本訓練活動,配合學生發展需要,進行專題培訓,提升整 體的語言能力。
  • Make good use of peer resources to promote inclusive culture; and further strengthen the vocabulary expression training of language-impaired students.

Learning Support Team 學習支援組

To facilitate communication between teachers, parents and students, assist stakeholders to understand students' family, psychological, emotional and learning needs as soon as possible, and provide appropriate learning support.

Life Education Group 生命教育組

To construct a life and moral education curriculum, arrange different student activities and services, establish students' correct values, cultivate students' life quality, and enable students to develop their personality, develop their potential and serve others.
建構生命德育課程,安排不同學生活動及服務,建立學生正確價值觀,培養學生生命 素質,讓學生能發展個性、發揮潛能及服務他人。