The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. (Proverbs 9:10)敬畏耶和華是智慧的開端;認識至聖者便是聰明。(箴言第九章十節)

Music 音樂科

Our Targets 總目標
  • Developing Creativity and Imagination - To develop musical ideas and master creative skills, combined with performance and listening, to cultivate students’ creativity and imagination.


  • Developing Skills and Processes To develop performance skills to experience and express in music. In the process of practice, emphasis is placed on developing musical imagination and musicality.


  • Cultivating Critical Responses To understand music and respond to and appreciate music to develop aesthetic skills.


  • Understanding Arts in Context To recognize the function of music and understand the relationship between music and culture.


Features 特色
    • Organize different music activities to explore students' creativity and stimulate their imagination.


    • Introduce students to different music topics and apply for free concerts outside, so that students can understand the influence of different cultures on music, and cultivate their aesthetics and ability to appreciate music.


    • Invite different institutions to the school to hold concerts, so that students can experience live music performances in the school and obtain a rich and comprehensive music learning experience.


    • Organize annual student concerts to provide opportunities for students to perform music.


    • Organize musical instrument classes to develop students' playing skills.


Focusing Items關注項目
  • By singing hymns, cultivate students' positive emotions and enhance their sense of well being .


  • To introduce students to Chinese culture by introducing Chinese orchestra and Chinese musical instruments.


Music Activities 音樂科活動

Activities Photos 活動相片  請按入Please click here


Hymns Singing

School Song Singing

Introducing Chinese musical instruments

Singing the National Anthem of China

School-based Recorder Playing Course

Students Anniversary Concert

Music Online Worksheet

LCSD School Culture Day Music Concert

Hong Kong School Music Festival