總目標Targets objectives
- 本校致力培育全人發展,發掘學生的潛能,幫助他們追求卓越。透過推行校本資優教育,以「強項為本」及「人人皆能為領袖」的原則關注學生的興趣、才能和天賦,為他們提供展才的機會,藉此提升其學習動機和自信,讓他們跨越自己的障礙,而非單一把重點放於其弱點及困難。
- Our school is devoted to promote all-rounded education and advocate students’ talents and potentials which help them to pursue excellence. Through school based gifted education development, we use ‘Strength Based Approach’ and ‘Everyone can be a Leader’ as our beliefs to focus on students’ interests, abilities and talents. Students have opportunities to show their talents and they are expected to increase their self-efficacy to break their own learning barriers rather than only focus on their weaknesses or difficulties.
- 透過推行校本資優三層架構模式,於第一層課程規劃滲入資優教育三元素,讓全體學生參與、於第二層抽離課程中,延伸及增潤學生所學及為個別潛能學生提供校外資源支援作為第三層資優教育的個別化課程。
- Through implementing The School-based Three-tier Implementation Model for Gifted Eduation, all students in level one benefit from the core elements advocated in gifted education. Pull-out programmes are provided to extend students’ learning in level two and external resource such as personalized programmes are introduced to gifted and talented students in level three.
- 設立識別機制,從多方面發掘學生的興趣及長處,並聯合學校輔導組發展情意教育。
- Develop identification system and advocate students’ interests and advantages in various aspects as well as cooperate with Guidance Department to develop affective education.
- 本校的資優教育包括家長教育及家長積極參與,學校與家長互相配合,共同培育孩子。
- School-based gifted education includes parents’ education and parents’ participation. Parents and School partnership help nurturing children.
關注項目Major Concern
1. 教師培訓 Teacher Training
- 為教師報讀資優教師基礎或進階課程Teachers are allocated to study for foundation or advanced course for gifted education.
- 為學校社工及部份教師報讀資優/高能力學生的情意教育基礎課程培訓 Social workers and some teachers are allocated to study for foundation course for teachers – Affective Education for Gifted/More Able Students.
- 教師持續參與以科本的資優教育增益課程 Attend subject based enrichment programmes.
- 舉辦教師講座 Organize teacher training workshop every year.
- 發展WebSAMS人才庫 Develop WebSAMS Talent Databank.
2. 學生發展 Student Development
- 收集學生的興趣範圍 Collect students’ interest for further development.
- 發展三層校本資優教育架構 Develop School Based Three-tier Implementation Model for Gifted Education.
- 推薦潛能學生參加校外進修學習課程 Nominate potential students to participate in off-school advanced learning programmes.
- 持續發掘學生長處,發揮學生潛能 Continually advocate students’ multiple intelligence.
- 培育學生全人發展 Nurture students’ abundant life.
- 識別雙重特殊資優生,透過情意教育讓學生了解個人的弱項並加以改善,同時發揮其優異特質,讓他們盡顯潛能。Identify Twice-exceptional students. Through providing affective education, students can improve their weaknesses and further develop their multiple intelligence.
3. 家長教育Parent Education
- 按需要舉辦全體式或個別家長專題講座 Organize parents’ talk for all or individual parents according to their needs.
- 為家長提供適切的資源 Provide suitable support to parents.