The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. (Proverbs 9:10)敬畏耶和華是智慧的開端;認識至聖者便是聰明。(箴言第九章十節)

Student Activities 學生活動

總目標 Targets objectives




Whether in the classroom or through extracurricular activities, we continuously monitor students' learning achievements and progress, providing opportunities for reflection and improvement. Our goal is to ensure that students not only acquire knowledge but also develop their full potential. We believe these activities will bring endless joy and growth opportunities to our students.



特色 Features




During each activity at our school, teachers or mentors provide a brief summary of the learning objectives, guiding students in their learning. After class, students are encouraged to reflect and improve, gaining a better understanding of what they have learned and enhancing their learning outcomes.



關注項目 Major Concern




In addition, this year's Wednesday activities have been organized into different groups to expose students to various types of activities and further explore their potential. Grades 1 and 2 are part of the rotating group, allowing students to experience multiple activities. Grades 3 and 4 belong to the fixed group, aiming to inspire students' potential. Grades 5 and 6 participate in advanced activities, giving them the opportunity to assist younger students and further develop their own potential while sharing their strengths. They also have the option to join the school team training.




This year, we have introduced interest classes taught by external organizations, such as Beat-Box and modern dance, as well as gifted programs like math problem-solving. These initiatives provide students with a more diverse learning experience.




We offer a total of 17 fee-based activities, covering elements such as music, art, sports, chess, dance, math and English, to provide students with a comprehensive and diverse range of learning opportunities. These activities not only help students cultivate their interests but also enhance their learning abilities and skills.