The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. (Proverbs 9:10)敬畏耶和華是智慧的開端;認識至聖者便是聰明。(箴言第九章十節)
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  • 2022 - 2023年度 教師發展 Teacher Development

2022 - 2023年度 教師發展 Teacher Development


In order to promote the professional growth and elevate the professional status of our teachers, our school arranges relevant training and workshops based on the professional ladder design by the Education Bureau. These are grounded in three core elements, including teaching expertise, professional ethics and values, and the spirit of self-improvement through reflection and seeking progress.




3rd Oct Teachers’ Development Day

Mr LIN Man-Sheung who is the member of T- standard various committees, as our speaker of T-standard+ workshop and Lesson Evaluation Skills workshop.

10月28日GIGO教師培訓: 老師透過動手做學習GIGO教學技巧
28th Oct GIGO Workshop The teacher utilizes hands-on learning GIGO teaching techniques.



28th Nov Teaching Observation:

Teacher conducts peer observations annually to introduce and practice new teaching concepts.



3rd Feb Teacher Stress Relief Workshop:

Teachers will learn to find peace and tranquility amidst their busy work through activities such as exercise, Bonsai, and harmonious watercolor painting.



3rd Mar National Security Education Workshop

Invited Senior Superintendent Li Kwai Wah, the head of the National Security Division of the Hong Kong Police Force, to the school to share the implementation and importance of national security education.



24th Mar Teacher’s Healthy Workshop

Invited a senior nutritionist to explain to the teachers about students' nutritional needs and methods for selecting lunch options.



31st Mar Teachers’ Development Day

Conducted the second Lesson Evaluation Skills workshop and arranged for teachers to complete their individual professional development plans.



12th May QEF Teacher Training

Through the Quality Education Fund, we invited Mr. Mak Zi Bun to design a STEM teaching session for teachers, starting with scientific exploration.